In Finale, as is now common knowledge, it is popular to take a shuttle so as to cover the major elevation gain and get directly to the trailhead. There are multiple possibilities when we talk about shuttles in Finale:
-Buy a single lift;
-Buy a group tour "shuttle tour" with a guide, where the shuttle will follow us all day;
-Hire a private shuttle with a driver, which all day long will follow us and we will create the tour ourselves;
-Take a private guide that organize for you a tour and reserve shuttles for you https://www.localmtbguide.com/
Single Lift
The two main companies offering single lift service are Finale Express and Finale Freeride. We find them at the headquarters of the Finale Outdoor Region (FOR) within walking distance of Finalborgo. With these two companies it is possible to purchase a single lift to one of the three main trailheads: Base nato, Melogno Din (start of the Rollercoaster), Forte del Melogno.

9.00, 10.30, 12.00, 14.00, 15.30, 17.00 (From mid-October to mid-April, the 5 p.m. ride is not run).
In the high season (May to late June/September to late October) some companies such as Finale Express increase the number of lifts by making lift service available every half hour. We still recommend asking and inquiring to avoid unpleasant surprises.
The above times refer to the actual departure of the shuttle. It is highly recommended to arrive at the departure point 15 to 20 minutes in advance to avoid queues and consequently delayed departure.
It is strongly recommended to make reservations well in advance, especially in high season.
Only the two largest shuttle partners in Finale have been mentioned here. Some campgrounds and hotels have single lift service and other companies as well.
Shuttle Stops
The starting points of the trails reachable from the shuttles are as mentioned above three but only from two will it be possible to start the descent without pedaling first. Nato Base, the place from where the magic of Finale as far as enduro riding is concerned, offers many descents by having to pedal a little more than thirty seconds. From here start such famous trails as Madre Natura, Ingegnere, Crestino and just below losing a little bit of altitude the very famous Little Champery, Ca' Bianca, Cromagnon........ guaranteed fun!
The same can be said of the Din Starting point of the infamous Rollercoaster will allow us to enjoy ourselves by tackling only a very short climb and then launching into the spectacular, one-of-a-kind trail.
A little different, however, is the third stop, Forte del Melogno. From here we will not find the trailhead; instead, we will have to pedal to get there. This stop is considered the gateway to the Pietra Ligure trails and Backcountry.
Please note: once we leave for our adventure the shuttles will return to the starting point. There is no single shuttle service outside of Finale and Pietra Ligure(Bardineto, Calizzano, Osiglia, Mallare, Castelvecchio).
Midway stops
Finale Express is the only shuttle company that provides intermediate stops. It is necessary to buy the package of 10 "bike pass" rides (with a duration of one year) so you can use the lines that make intermediate stops. The classic Finale Express lines are the Red and Green, both of which depart from the FOR headquarters.
-Green Line: Finalborgo -> Ca' del Moro -> Madonna della Guardia -> Fort Melogno -> Nato Base
-Red Line: Finalborgo -> Calice Ligure -> SanRocco/Champery -> Nato Base -> Din
The Yellow Line and Blue Line, on the other hand, allow you not to return to the shuttle starting point. The yellow line is most convenient at the end of the Isallo Extasi trail, the blue line is perfect if you want to stay in the Base Nato area.
-Yellow Line: Isallo (11:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m.) -> Din -> Melogno Fort.
-Blue Line: Feglino (12:30,3:30 p.m.) -> San Rocco/Champery -> Nato Base
The service operates only for bike pass holders and reservations are required.
The adventure goes far beyond
Shuttles are a real convenience in Finale, since the longest trails start from no less than 1,000 meters above sea level. But don't be fooled, only some of the trails are accessible from the shuttles. If you really want to explore the length and breadth of Finale you will need to arm yourself with a minimum of patience and training so as to reach every place and every trail this paradise has to offer. Trails such as Dh man, Briga Dx, Dolmen, Hiroshima and many others are not very close to the arrival of the shuttles nor to the intermediate stops. This does not mean that you have to be an athlete or a cross country champion. Each ride will take us deeper and deeper into the magnificent beech forests of the Finale area, bring us face to face with breathtaking views, making us really savor to the fullest the trail that we have hard won. In short, a 'well-rounded enduro experience, not forgetting, however, our friends shuttles that make our vacation even more relaxing.